Stephan Idris Mambazo
the "IntellectualSoul"
Ph.D. (ABD), MSW, LICSW-PIP Clinical Psychotherapist
I am a professionally certified specialist in The Grief Recovery Method®. I have been in the helping profession for over thirty years, with more than twenty years as a licensed social worker. My primary focus of practice is helping those with challenges through various grief and loss issues, particularly after a traumatic loss(es), e.g., homicide, suicide, disaster/public emergency, domestic violence, and racial/gender hate. I am a subject matter expert in the areas of grief and trauma-informed care. I also have significant experience with relationship issues, couples counseling, and domestic/intimate partner violence/abuse in its various forms. I have more than 10 years of disaster mental health experience, and I am an effective sexual health interventionist with couples and individuals. I am LGBTQ+ affirming and experienced gender and sexual health therapist.


Services Provided
General Counseling and Psychotherapy,
Grief Recovery Method®
Trauma Therapy (Homicide, Suicide, Public Disaster, and Terrorism)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Couples and Relationship Counseling
Peri & Postpartum Depression Screenings
Post Incarceration Adjustment
Forensic Psychiatric Consultation & Assessment
WPATH SOC 7 Assessment and Counseling
Clinical Social Work Supervision
Telehealth & eCounseling
Professional Development Training and Consultation
Motivational Speaking

Contact Me
Please reach out to me to discuss your situation or needs. I make every effort to respond to messages within 24 hours. Should you require emergency or life threating intervention call 9-1-1 or your local emergency number for an ambulance and go to your nearest hospital for treatment.
For TeleHealth/eCounseling Appointments
IntellectualSoul Clinical Consulting​
P.O. Box 6143
Montgomery, AL 36106-0143
Tel: +1-334-625-9617
Fax: +1-334-323-6747